Risk Disclosure

  • Tokens are not a means of payment.
  • Tokens are not secured by the state.
  • Acquisition of tokens may result in the complete loss of funds and/or other objects of civil rights (investments) transferred in exchange for tokens (including as a result of volatility of the value of tokens; technical failures (errors), commission of illegal actions, including theft, by third parties).
  • Individual tokens may be of some value only to a limited number of persons, or may have no value at all.
  • Due to the innovative nature of the technologies underlying the transaction block register (blockchain), other distributed innovation system, there is always a possibility of technical failures (errors) in their operation, including incorrigible ones.
  • Due to different legal regulation of relations in the sphere of transactions (operations) with tokens in other states, there is always a probability of impossibility to fulfill the General Terms and Conditions for the realization of tokens placed on the website https://bct.kg/ , in full or in part, including in connection with their recognition as invalid, in the territory of such states.