Blockchain and Crypto Technology Limited Liability Company (B&CT LLC) Privacy Policy

"Blockchain and Crypto Technology" Limited Liability Company ("B&CT LLC") cares about your privacy.

This document reflects the corporate rules of personal data processing adopted by Blockchain and Crypto Technology Limited Liability Company, which the User communicates to B&CT LLC in online or offline mode - by mail, e-mail, in transferred documents and information, by phone, in the course of surveys, using the Exchange Operator's facilities, etc., as well as which B&CT LLC receives from customers (sellers/buyers/exchangers) and other counterparties with the User's consent. The User undertakes to familiarize himself/herself with this document in full before using the services of the exchange operator. By continuing to use the services of the exchange operator or by providing "B&CT LLC" with his/her personal information through the website or offline methods, the User agrees to this Privacy Policy. If the User does not agree with this Policy and the Personal Data Processing Policy, the User shall refuse to use the services of the exchange operator, other services and services of B&CT LLC. "B&CT LLC" may change the terms of the Policy at any time unilaterally at its sole discretion without special notice. Changes shall come into effect from the moment the updated version is posted with the exchange operator.

«Private Office»A special subsection of the Exchange Operator, a program interface of the User's interaction with B&CT LLC, the User's personal page that allows the User to access certain functionality of the Exchange Operator and is available to the User after authorization on the Exchange Operator's site. It contains information about the User, the performed exchange operation and other information regarding the services under the Agreement, as well as provides an opportunity for remote interaction between the Parties under the Agreement.
«Exchange operator» The website located at on the Internet, as well as a mobile application with the functionality of the said website.
«User» Any natural person who uses the exchange operator's functionality for the purposes of selling and purchasing digital signs (tokens) remotely.
«Client's personal data» Any information that directly or indirectly relates to the User as an individual and user of the exchange operator "B&CT LLC".
«Privacy Policy» This legal document containing the list, procedure and conditions of processing of the User's personal data when visiting and using "B&CT LLC".
«Policy on personal data processing» A legal document containing a list of organizational and technical measures taken by B&CT LLC to protect the Buyer's personal data from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.
«User Agreement» A legal document in the form of a public offer accepted by the User, regulating the relationship between him/her and B&CT LLC when using the exchange operator.
«B&CT LLC» «Blockchain and Crypto Technology» Limited Liability Company, («B&CT LLC») Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Leninsky dist., 240, Chokmorova str.
Registration number 216057-3301-OOO, Crypto license number 064 BA E-mail: [email protected]

Processing of personal data

Personal data is stored only if the User provides the Operator with an exchange of consent in cases when registering on the website, concluding a contract with the Client, conducting surveys, contests or in the presence of other legal grounds for data processing, for example, in order to conclude and execute contracts, as well as to fulfill the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

"B&CT LLC" uses personal data of Users to create and manage the database, fulfill the obligations imposed on it by the Agreement, conduct surveys, for the purposes of exchange operations and other purposes established by the Policy on personal data processing. The transfer of personal data to public authorities is carried out exclusively within the framework of binding legal requirements. These obligations of strict confidentiality also apply to B&CT LLC employees, clients of the exchange operator and other counterparties.

The list of personal data, their processing and destruction procedures are described at __________.

"B&CT LLC" has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to third parties or transfer personal data to them for processing with the User's consent and/or in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and in the case - to the contractors of "B&CT LLC". The existing contracts with all counterparties stipulate the obligation of the parties to comply with the principles and rules of personal data processing stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, to respect the confidentiality of personal data, to take necessary measures aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of obligations stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Such contracts include all provisions stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, including protection of confidentiality of Users' data and ensuring their security, as well as taking measures in case of emergency situations.

B&CT LLC applies all measures provided for by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic to ensure the fulfillment of obligations provided for by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the appointment of a person responsible for the organization of personal data processing, local acts on personal data processing are issued and updated, organizational and technical measures are applied to ensure the security of personal data in accordance with the legislation Kyrgyz Republic, internal control of compliance of personal data processing and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, personal data protection requirements, B&CT LLC policy on personal data processing, local acts of B&CT LLC is continuously carried out, the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects in case of violation of the law is assessed, the ratio of the specified harm and the measures taken by B&CT LLC aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of obligations provided for by current legislation, We also inform the staff of B&CT LLC, who directly process personal data, of the processing requirements and the requirements of the law.

User Rights

The User's personal data is used for the purposes set out in the Policy on Personal Data Processing. If the User does not agree to further use the services of the Exchange Operator and transfer personal data for the specified purposes, the User has the right to inform B&CT LLC at any time so that the User's data will not be used for the specified purposes. All necessary information can be found on the respective pages of the Exchange Operator.

At the User's request, B&CT LLC will provide an overview of the available personal data that the User provides to B&CT LLC and will take reasonable steps to exclude any incorrect information from the personal data reported by the User. In the event that the User expresses a will to discontinue the use of personal data provided by the User to B&CT LLC, B&CT LLC shall honor said will by retaining all records of the User's personal data necessary to comply with applicable law.

If the User requests to stop processing personal data, B&CT LLC undertakes to stop processing the personal data within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant request and/or ensure the termination of such processing. This period may be extended, but not more than for 5 (five) working days, if B&CT LLC sends a motivated notice to the User indicating the reasons for extending the deadline for providing the requested information.

In case the User and/or his/her legal representative makes a written or electronic request for access to his/her personal data, B&CT LLC is guided by the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Depending on the information provided in the request, B&CT LLC decides whether to grant the User access to his/her personal data. If the data provided by the User is insufficient to establish his/her identity or the provision of personal data violates the constitutional rights and freedoms of others, B&CT LLC has the right to send a reasoned response containing a reference to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic within the framework of personal data protection requirements, which is the basis for such refusal, within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) business days from the date of such request. This term may be extended, but not more than for 5 (five) working days, provided that B&CT LLC sends a motivated notice to the User indicating the reasons for extending the time limit for providing the requested information.

Information on the availability of personal data is provided to the User in response to the request within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the request. This period may be extended, but not more than for 5 (five) working days, provided that B&CT LLC sends a motivated notification to the User indicating the reasons for extending the time limit for providing the requested information.

B&CT LLC reserves the right to verify the completeness and accuracy of the personal data provided. In the event that erroneous or incomplete information is identified, B&CT LLC shall verify the accuracy and completeness of such information, and in the event that the erroneous or incomplete information provided causes harm to B&CT LLC or any third parties, B&CT LLC shall have the right to terminate all relations with the User.

Contact Us

The User has the right to contact B&CT LLC regarding the Privacy Policy or the processing of the User's personal data, to verify or correct their personal information or to refuse any future communications, as well as to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, at the following details: E-mail address: [email protected], as well as at the address: Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Leninsky dist., 240, Chokmorova str.

This Policy is published freely available online on the B&CT LLC website and is a public document.