Personal data processing policy

The Policy applies to the processing by Blockchain and Crypto Technologies Limited Liability Company ("BCT" LLC) of personal data of users of the website located at (the "Site"), clients and contractors of BCT LLC, employees of BCT LLC and candidates for employment with BCT LLC, as well as other subjects.

What personal data, for what purposes and on what basis we process it:

PurposeDescriptionProcessed dataBasis
Consideration of the application for employment If you would like to join the BCT LLC team, you can send your message using the feedback form or online chat on the Website or to the BCT LLC e-mail address with your resume attached, or in any other form.
"BCT LLC will process the data provided by you in order to consider inviting you for an interview and possibly subsequently conclude an employment contract with you.
Full Name
Email address
Phone number
Work experience
Other data that you will specify in your resume and/or attach to the message
Sending a response to the received appeal You may contact "BCT" LLC with a question / comment / request / suggestion / complaint or any other content using the feedback form or online chat on the Site or to the e-mail address of "BCT" LLC with the attachment of your resume, or in any other form. The personal data provided by you will be used by "BCT" LLC to provide feedback. Full Name
Company name (optional)
Phone number
Email address
Other data you may wish to include in your request
Conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of the contract with clients "BCT" LLC collects and stores personal data of clients (their representatives) necessary for the conclusion, execution of the contract, the other party to which is the client. Data provided by the client (its representative) within the framework of conclusion and execution of the contract Contract
Conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of the contract with contractors "BCT" LLC collects and stores personal data contractors (their representatives) necessary for conclusion, execution of the contract, the other party to which is the contractor. to which the contractor is a party. Data provided by the contractor (its representative) within the framework of conclusion and execution of the contract Contract
Conclusion and execution of labor contracts with employees, performance of necessary actions within the framework of their labor activity "BCT" LLC collects and stores employee data necessary for the conclusion and execution of an employment contract, performance of other actions and procedures related to / in connection with labor relations, according to the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and/or the employee's application. Data provided by the employee within the framework of formalization and implementation of the employment relationship, as well as within the framework of the employer's actions and procedures in relation to the employee related to/in connection with the employment relationship. Formalization of labor relations, as well as performance of labor activity by an employee

* By giving your consent to the processing of your personal data by "BCT" LLC, you agree that "BCT" LLC will perform the following actions with the data: collection, systematization, storage, modification, use, depersonalization, blocking, distribution, provision, deletion, both with and without the use of means of automation. The consent is given for the period until its revocation. You give your consent to the processing of your personal data by "BCT" LLC by ticking the appropriate box on the Site.

Retention period of personal data

We retain your personal data for the period necessary for the purposes for which such data was processed, or as required by law.

After achieving the objectives or in case of withdrawal of the personal data subject's consent, "BCT" LLC will delete the personal data within the period provided for by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Access to your personal data by third parties

We may share your personal data with the third parties listed below for the purposes specified by "BCT" LLC in accordance with this Policy:
Yandex Metrica is a web analytics service provided by Yandex LLC. Address: 16, Lev Tolstoy St., Moscow, 119021. Yandex Privacy Policy.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. The address is Google, Google Data Protection Office, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Privacy Policy.

We may also share your personal data with relevant third parties where we have reason to believe that we are required to do so by law.

Rights of the subject of personal data

RightContentsOur actions
1. Right to receive information regarding the processing of personal data You have the right to receive information relating to the processing of your personal data containing:
name and location of "BCT" LLC
confirmation of the fact of personal data processing by "BCT" LLC
your personal data and the source of its acquisition
legal grounds and purposes of processing your personal data
the period for which the consent to the processing of personal data is given
the name and location of the authorized person to whom BCT LLC transfers your personal data for processing
"BCT" LLC will, within 5 business days of receiving your application, provide the information you request or notify you of the reasons for refusing to provide it
2. Right to be informed about the provision of personal data to third parties You have the right to receive information from "BCT" LLC about the provision of your personal data to authorized persons once per calendar year free of charge "BCT" LLC will, within 15 calendar days of receipt of your request, provide information about what personal data you provided and to whom during the year preceding the date of your application, or notify you of the reasons for denying it
3. The right to make changes to your personal data You have the right to request BCT LLC to amend your personal data if it is incomplete, outdated or inaccurate "BCT" LLC will amend your personal data if it is incomplete, outdated or inaccurate within 15 calendar days of receiving the request
4. The right to demand termination of personal data processing and (or) their deletion You have the right to demand from "BCT" LLC to stop processing your personal data, including its deletion, if there are no grounds for processing personal data "BCT LLC will stop processing your personal data within 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except for cases when BCT LLC has the right to continue processing personal data if there are grounds established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic
5. The right to withdraw the previously provided consent to the processing of personal data If your consent is the lawful basis for the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw it at any time. This will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data based on your consent until you withdraw your consent "BCT LLC will stop processing your personal data, delete it and notify you about it within 15 calendar days from the moment of receiving the request, except for the cases when BCT LLC has the right to continue processing personal data if there are grounds established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic
6. Right to appeal against actions (inaction) and decisions of the operator related to the processing of personal data If you believe that our processing of personal data violates applicable personal data protection legislation, you may file a complaint with an authorized body

In order to exercise one or more of the rights indicated under Nos. 1 - 5, you must send "BCT" LLC a corresponding request: Your request to exercise one or more of the above-mentioned rights must contain: Full name; address; date of birth; essence of the request; identification number or number of identification document (in the absence of identification number), if this information was indicated when giving consent or the processing of personal data is carried out without the subject's consent, personal signature or electronic signature.

Please note that the termination of processing of your personal data by "BCT" LLC may make it impossible to provide you with further services.

The right to appeal against actions (inaction) and decisions of "BCT" LLC (under No. 6) related to the processing of personal data shall be exercised in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on appeals of citizens and legal entities.